Czech Glass BDK-GLASS, s.r.o., Ed. Karla 72, 503 03 Smiřice, phone 495 421 271, 495 421 194, fax 495 420 257, email:
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Glass production

About the technology

FUSING technology is a glass production method based on fusing flat glasses together and subsequently shaping (“laying”) them at temperatures between 800 and 850°C. We do not process molten glass like ordinary glassworks: our raw material is flat glass.

FUSING technology enables us to produce shapes and colour combinations that other glass techniques do not allow.

Smaller elements are cut by hand from flat glass with a diamond cutter, while larger sizes are cut on a computerised cutting machine that enables precision to within one millimetre. Unused pieces flat glass are recycled into other production processes, meaning that BDK-GLASS produces virtually no waste.

Before the product itself is fused and shaped, it is possible to decorate the glass through various techniques such as painting, sprinkling with shards and frit (glass powder), fusing decals, etc. Following the heat treatment of the products, we can add other design elements through sandblasting, grinding, and other techniques.

Possible ways of decorating:

glass decoration
decorated glass
glass decoration
decorated glass
glass decoration
decorated glass
glass decoration
decorated glass
glass decoration
decorated glass
decorated glass
decorated glass
decorated glass
decorated glass
decorated glass

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